
WELCOME To Lean Queen!

Yess! You’re In!​Thank You For Enrolling in the most comprehensive fat loss program in india!  Now here are some VERY IMPORTANT things to do now… 1 Enter your shipping addressBefore anything else, enter your shipping address so we can quickly pack and ship your Lean Queen package. [fc id=’22’][/fc] 2 REQUEST TO JOIN THE PAIDMEMBER-ONLY FACEBOOK …

WELCOME To Lean Queen! Read Full Post »

Here’s The FLFL Group’s Link

Thank You & Welcome!Here’s the Facebook link to the group…Just click on the JOIN button there… Fat Loss & Fitness Lovers

Thank You! Your Order Was Successfully Placed! :)

 Order Confirmed!Your order for the LEAN exercise cards has been successfully placed!Now please wait while we pack your goodies and ship it to you. Look out for our shipping confirmation email very soon (usually within 0-2 days).

LEAN – The Bodyweight Workout

You Did It!8 out of 10 people simply do not take any action! And because YOU took this first step…​we congratulate you!Now simply head over to the Lean Workout Program’s home page and let’s begin… Access The LEAN Workout 

Thank you for your payment!

THANK YOU FOR YOUR PAYMENT!Now you just need to do one thing, JOIN our premium Facebook group where you can download all your Lean Queen guides & content. JOIN LEAN QUEEN GROUP

Welcome To The Lean Queen Program!

[cs_content][cs_section parallax=”false” style=”margin: 0px;padding: 15px 0px 45px;”][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/1″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text] [x_icon type=”thumbs-up” style=”color:#9ec749;”] Yes! You Are In! Now, here are the 3 steps to start the program: [/cs_text][x_feature_list class=”mtm”][x_feature_box title=”STEP 1″ title_color=”” text_color=”” graphic=”numbers” graphic_size=”60px” graphic_shape=”circle” graphic_color=”#ffffff” graphic_bg_color=”#2ecc71″ align_h=”left” align_v=”top” side_graphic_spacing=”20px” max_width=”none” child=”true” connector_width=”1px” connector_style=”dashed” …

Welcome To The Lean Queen Program! Read Full Post »