In the last topic, you saw the 4 types of foods that you should avoid if you quickly want to see some results.

Well, once we establish that, the next question we often get is “Then what, how do I eat?”

So in this topic, let’s see the best food composition for maximum fat loss and maximum health.

In fact, this applies for most everyone.

Here’s how it goes.


Alright, so the picture is supposed represent your plate.

And forget the food quantities for a minute; just understand the ratio for now.

So what this means is… increasing your protein to as high as 30-40% of your plate.

What this will do is it will keep you fuller longer and it’ll prevent you from eating lots of the really bad stuff.

The green part is vegetables of course – increase your veggies up to 50% of the plate. So imagine cutting your plate in half, and loading it up with veggies. So it can be simple boiled vegetables like carrots, or spinach, or beet, the more variety, the better, more health benefits.

And finally, the last remaining part, that’s for the carbohydrates.

So basically, what we want you think whenever you eat is, just check the quantity of protein and vegetables you eat, you want to load up on both of these, then think of what fats you are eating, and finally look at the carbs.

Unfortunately, these days, we first concentrate on the carbs like loading up on rice and rotis, then we think of proteins like let’s say chicken or dal, then we think of fats like ghee or oil, and finally, we think about vegetables.

Just flip this whole thing on its head, and that would be your new food pyramid.

So, a simple vegetarian example…

Instead of eating some fried starter dish, go for a protein rich soup like a dal shorba.

Instead of going for a roti made with refined flour like your rumali roti, or a butter kulch, go for the simple whole wheat roti, and in fact, instead of eating an extra roti, which are mostly loaded with carbs, cut back and instead have an extra bowl of dal or whatever protein source is on the menu.

And finally, instead of getting an extra serving of rice, get an extra serving of vegetables.

So basically, what you must do is swap all your carb sources with protein and fats.

And don’t be afraid of dietary fats, we have a whole topic dedicated to it later, but for now, do not be afraid of fats.

It’s not the oil or butter that makes you fat, it’s the sugar that’s making you fat.

The emphasis should always be on vegetables, protein, and fats at every meal, and then filling the smaller, leftover area with carbs.

So the foundation of each meal should be a big chunk of a protein source, be it chicken, or paneer, or dal, then half a plate full of vegetables and then whatever area remains should be dedicated to carbs.

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