In the last lesson, we saw that the number 1 reason we fail to lose weight is not because of the wrong diet, or that we are not going to the gym to exercise….

Rather, the number 1 reason we all fail is because we are looking for either more information (the perfect diet) or we are looking for shortcuts…

We are looking for some secret, some method, some shortcut that will help us lose weight without putting in much effort.

And yes, it’s a normal thing as we all love secrets and shortcuts!

But here… on this weight loss journey though…

… there is no secret, and there is no shortcut to lose weight.

However, there is no ‘long cut’ either!

  Weight loss is all about a few key principles.

If anyone tells you otherwise; a diet food company, a nutritionist, or even a doctor, if they say they have a “secret” way to lose weight, they are either:

1 lying and misleading you, or
2 simply tapping into your natural curiosity.

In the real world, there is no hidden secret to losing weight.

And this is true in all real life cases.
Have a look at these women…

These are some of the most successful Indian women we know currently (though we all are deeply saddened by the death of Kalpana Chawla!)

…but if you ever read their stories, you will see that it wasn’t easy for them to reach where they are today… they had to work very, very hard …. for years, decades, to reach the top…

And the point we are trying to make is… if you ask any of these women… they will all tell you the same thing…

There are no secrets, and there are no shortcuts.

People want to buy secrets when they don’t want to put in the efforts!

People want to buy secrets in the hope that they’ll find a shortcut.

And that’s exactly why even in the weight loss world; we have so many books with secrets, blogs with secrets, products with secrets, because people naturally want to find them, even if they do not exist in the first place.

But have a look at P. V. Sindhu, and she’ll be sweating it out on the badminton court while amateurs and beginners will be trying to learn secrets.

And it’s the same for us too…

Continuous, daily effort separates those with results… and those with failed expectations!

And with that, let’s talk about the 3 fundamental things you need to know to make your weight loss journey successful, the three things that the 1% people who actually lose weight realize…

The 3 things are…

Right information

Taking Action

Being Accountable

Here, have a look at this picture…

Now…as you can see in the above picture… many people, in fact, most people, get stuck at the first part itself… finding the right information… they will fall for all sorts of deceptive marketing like weight loss belts, pills and fad diets…

Then, next, there are few who will filter out the bad information, and start taking action, start working on something that will actually help them…

… yet… where they also fail is the place where only the last 1% people succeed in losing weight…

… the 1% who stick with a program…
… the 1% who hold themselves accountable through the journey
… the 1% who make sure they take action, every day and every week.

And if there was ever one, this is the only real secret in the weight loss world.

1 Right information
2 Taking action and,
3 Being accountable…

… this is the only order of things you need to follow to lose weight in the long run.

And here’s how the problem begins for most people…

So for example… they’ll say… Okay, I need to lose weight…

… and then they’ll go to a nutritionist, or a weight loss expert who will give them a strict diet.

For the first 2 weeks, they’ll be all excited and will follow the diet strictly…

… but by week 3 and 4, they can’t restrict themselves anymore and most of them will quit by week 6…. and then… they’ll be like…

“Arre yaar, that diet didn’t work out for me, I need something better…. “

Next… they are back to square one, looking for a new type of diet, maybe this time they’ll visit a doctor, but it’s the same story again.

Yes, just like the above image, they just keep hopping from one diet to another, all the time blaming the diets they leave behind for the failure!

On the other hand, the people who have truly lost weight, what they do is…

Once they have the right information, they’ll quickly move on to steps 2 and 3… they’ll start taking action and more importantly, they’ll stick with it for days, weeks and months.

And that’s when they see the results others can only dream of.

In fact, have a look at this chart…

As you can see, the people with all the fad diets, gadgets and other “quick fix” things… they might quickly see results, but the results only last a few days…

… after that… they are at a much more horrible situation than they began with…

And conversely, look at the people who stuck with the plan and held themselves accountable… although their progress looks slow, it’s more steady, it keeps on going… it keeps on building…

All in all, we can narrow down to…


The only 3 things you need to know (right now) to succeed at losing weight are… right information, taking action, and being accountable.

Once you stay on this path, nobody can stop you from becoming fitter, stronger and healthier… exactly how we want to see you!