A new world awaits you…

A world where you don’t count calories, you don’t keep running endlessly on the treadmill, and you don’t keep paying overpriced dietitians for “diet plans”.

A world where you yourself make the best decisions for your health and body, based on the many things we’ll teach you.

A world where you do not fall prey to “quick-fixes” or crash diets, and rather strive for, what we call – “fitness for life”.

Here, Shubha Dave explains it better in this video…

Saw the video? Good.

So now that you know that better health, fitness and habits precede weight loss… here’s a question to you…

“Why do you think YOU have failed to achieve your dream body? What exactly holds you back from achieving it?”

Because, it’s 2018, we literally have all the information we need at our fingertips, but still, why are we struggling to bring it to reality?

There are 1000’s of books, blogs, articles, videos and weight loss programs today with tons of information…

… but yet, why are then people getting sicker, obese and unhealthy every passing year!?

Because… and this is where most of us get stuck…

Weight loss is NOT about getting “more information”!

 Here’s what we mean…

After talking with 100’s of our clients regarding the reason behind their failure to lose weight…

… this is what they say…

45% people said they ‘knew’ what they needed to do to lose weight, but they had reasons….

… blah blah this reason, blah blah that reason… a lot of “but this and but that”…

… for e.g… I don’t have enough time, I need more specific information that suits my body… or…

I need step by step directions… or…

I need someone’s else’s pressure on me as I can’t do this alone

So 45%, almost half of all the people we have helped… they “knew” what they needed to do to lose weight…  but due to one reason or the other… they couldn’t actually go and do it…

About 30% of the people had problems with maintenance and motivation.

Which meant that they began well, but started having problems with daily things like cooking at home, or not eating junk outside, or staying motivated for workouts, etc.

Note: We are going to get into all of these issues in the program, so don’t worry about them right now…

And finally…the third group, the last 25%, these people really didn’t know anything about losing fat and getting fit…

… they didn’t know the foods they should be eating or avoiding, what exercises to do, and infact, most of them were sort of paralyzed with the sheer amount of information out there…

Like we said earlier, so many books, websites, blogs, youtube videos with 100’s of tips… they simply froze with so much information…

… so much information… … that they never took any action … on anything!

And in fact, here are some of the things people have actually said to us, word for word… and this is important because chances are that you will find some of them true in your case too

So a woman, right here in Mumbai, in her later thirties said…

“I postpone everything. I will say that I will start my weight loss journey the next day, however, I just keep putting off at a later date.”
Woman (Age 38) from Mumbai

Another woman said…

​“I fool myself, I am not accountable to myself. I let myself feel sorry for myself. I listen to unhealthy self talk like…
“I deserve this delicious cake.” I feel like the battle will never end. That, resisting binging will be a forever struggle.”
Another woman from Mumbai (age 35)

And yet another lady said…

​“I yo yo a lot, I remain on track for a while, but as I start approaching my goal, I start to lose focus.
I allow myself to cheat on my diet and start to skip gym time.”
Woman from Thane (Age 33)

And here’s what a man in his early forties said…

​“I feel that I am never going to succeed in losing weight, so why bother in the first place!?”

Now, these examples are not to discourage you… not at all… rather, note the interesting thing there

… can you notice that most of the reasons given are psychological, behavioral, internal, intangible.

  • 1
    Post-poning is an internal, an intangible habit.
  • 2
    The second lady said she feels sorry for herself. Internal, psychological. She says I listen to unhealthy self talk. Again Psychological, internal.
  • 3
    The third lady had problems with focusing and maintenance… again an internal problem.
  • 4
    The fourth one had low self esteem. Again psychological, an internal problem.
So do you see what happened there… the majority of people we have helped had problems that were mostly psychological, behavioral and/or internal by nature…

… and had nothing to do with their diet or exercise!

And that, is exactly why most “diets” fail.

It’s because the dieticians and nutritionists fail to address these inner aspects.

  • Diet don’t fix habit problems
  • Diets don’t fix “information overload”
  • Diets don’t fix day-to-day maintenance problems
  • times-circle
    Diets don’t fix personal problems

Which brings us to…


Counting calories, doing complicated math, weight loss pills, they all are just band-aids, and only ever work for a short while.

No person can (or should) eat from a diet chart all their life!

Rather, what we all need help is with focusing, maintaining and being consistent on this journey.

And that’s exactly what we are going to teach you…

Welcome to the Lean Queen program once again!

The next topic is all about the THREE things you need to know for long term weight loss.