Leg Flutters or Flutter Kicks are great for your abs and act as a good leg workout too.
To do the perfect leg flutters, watch the video and learn the instructions that follow…
Leg Flutters, Flutter Kicks – Step-By-Step
Lie down on your back with your hands along your body on either sides. Lift your neck
slightly.Now lift your right leg just above the ground and then lift your left leg as much as you
can.Bring your left leg to the level your right leg was and lift your right leg as much as you
can.Repeat.Leg Flutters, Flutter Kicks – Tips
You may choose to not lift your neck. If you do, lift it only slightly such that you can just
see how high your leg is going.If you are finding it difficult to keep your leg in the air during the exercise, use your
hands to support them if necessary.