Fat Loss


Does Eating Fats Make You Fat?

My friend’s daughter is a young girl of 14. Not that it is a problem, but she has already outgrown her every piece of cloth horizontally. Everyone in our social circle loved the little chubby girl, but today, unfortunately, she has become the butt of all jokes. Her mother (my friend) constantly worries about her and keeps a …

Does Eating Fats Make You Fat? Read Full Post »

5 Best Sources Of Protein

Obese, overweight and fat… do these words give you the chills? Well they certainly do to me. Aren’t we tired of controlling our urges to indulge in our favorite burgers, fries and cakes? How can we foodies live without eating all the yummy food out there? And it seems as if day by day, the chefs are …

5 Best Sources Of Protein Read Full Post »

diet exercise

Dieting Or Exercising?

Certainly a very important question for people trying hard to lose those excessive kilos! A popular idea is the influence of your diet on weight loss is around 80%, whereas that of exercise is around 20%. But Is This Legit? Let’s Find Out! If you ask this question to your dietician, to protect his income from you, he …

Dieting Or Exercising? Read Full Post »

organic foods

Is The ‘Organic Foods’ Hype Worth It? Let’s Find Out!

‘Organic Foods‘ – This term has been hammered into every generally aware person. A good reader will come across an article on Organic Foods at least once every week. As people are becoming more and more health conscious, healthier options have started to emerge. But that has actually replaced a problem with another problem! In India, a decade or …

Is The ‘Organic Foods’ Hype Worth It? Let’s Find Out! Read Full Post »

Spice It Up A Bit!

Indians are foodies! We love our food and while we may ‘adjust’ everywhere, we just cannot compromise when it comes to food! No Punjabi can live without Tandoori Chicken. No Bengali can live without his regular cup of Mishti Doi. No Maharashtrian can live without Misal Pav. No Goan can live without his daily dose of fish. And the …

Spice It Up A Bit! Read Full Post »

intermittent fasting

All About Intermittent Fasting!

“Intermittent Fasting is not planned starvation but planned consumption of food”. All in all, means the same to us. Intermittent Fasting also known as Intermittent Starving has become popular among people who are so consumed by the thoughts of losing weight that they are ready to give up (not completely, however) what is keeping them alive- …

All About Intermittent Fasting! Read Full Post »

drink water to lose fats

3 unusual methods of losing fat

Gym membership. Check. ✔ No sweets. Check. ✔ No oil. Check. ✔ Now whether you have checked the above parameters or not, the fact that you have somehow reached this page is enough of an indicator that your body fat is bothering you and that you wish to lose fat. (see these posts, if it’s thigh fat or belly fat that’s particularly the problem) Fats make the body a host …

3 unusual methods of losing fat Read Full Post »