Whey Protein is associated with gym freaks having toned abs, muscular biceps and almost the perfect legs.

“Only Girls Like Her Have Whey Protein” – Common Misconception


While much of the common junta thinks of Whey Protein as Steroids and a drug-like substance that only gym-goers are allowed to consume, even the ones who are consuming Whey Protein are not completely aware of the effects it has on the human body.


So, everyone is pretty much on the same page when it comes to awareness about Whey Protein.

Understanding Whey Proteins

Whey A.K.A. milk serum is nothing but whatever remains when you strain curd or yogurt – curdled water.


The proteins in cow’s milk are 20% Whey Proteins and 80% Casein Proteins.

Human Milk proteins are – 60% Whey Proteins and 40% Casein Proteins.

Whey is a by-product that is produced during the manufacturing of cheese from milk.

Whey may be Sweet Whey (produced during the manufacturing of Cheddar or Swiss cheese) or Acidic Whey (produced during the manufacturing of Yogurt or Cottage Cheese A.K.A. Paneer).

Whey Protein – the supplements – is a mixture of globular (names ending in -globulin) proteins separated from Whey.

Benefits Of Whey Protein

Whey Protein is a Complete Protein (meaning, it contains all the essential 9 types amino acids)

Whey Protein, like all Complete Proteins, are easy to digest.

Also, they are utilized by the body to repair the damage of various organs, bones and tissues.

Other Complete Proteins – Eggs, Meat, A Few Vegetables, Dairy Products.

Food Supplements

ScientifcNutrition recommends people following a vegetarian or vegan diet to start taking Whey Protein, if they already aren’t.

Whey Protein Supplements are the best substitutes to your regular dietary proteins.

And people who are so busy that they think it’s affordable to neglect your health, are the only ones who should adopt Whey Proteins as a substitute to their regular dietary proteins.

However, we want you to take this with more than a pinch of salt and avoid basing your diets on supplements.

Eggs, Fish, Meat, Milk must be your protein sources.

Increases Strength, Decreases Fats, Builds Muscle

This is the most common reason people consume Whey Protein.

Isn’t this the exact reasoning you use while associating Whey Protein and people with great bodies and vice versa?

While it is true that people who are aiming for toned abdomens and perfect biceps take Whey Protein, it is not necessary that people who have no interest in a ‘picture-perfect’ shape shouldn’t have it.

Anyone who wishes to have a better overall health can have it.

Whey Protein Supplments ARE NOT Steroids!!! If you are ‘Buying
The Right Ones’.

The inclusion of Whey Protein into your routine should not be without knowing enough about a lot of things; one such thing is – Ideal Protein Intake.

You should, ideally, consume 0.8 grams of proteins per kilo of your body weight per day.

Say, your weight is 50 kilograms. Your ideal protein consumption for the day should be 0.8*50 = 40 grams.

Your Weight

Ideal Protein Intake
(Per Day, in grams)















After this is done, you should know how to take the supplement, how many times to take it etc.

Whey Protein is available in powder form in tubs, very prominently placed as you must have seen in stores selling them; mostly but not only in medicinal stores.

You take the prescribed amount of powder along with a glass of milk, preferably. People who are aiming to cut down on weight also mix the powder in a glass of water.

Mind you, it doesn’t have the best taste!

So look for flavours, which are easily available in almost every brand. Look for additions that you can make (people like to add peanut butter to improve the taste) to make it not so devastating for your taste buds.

Now coming to the frequency of taking Whey protein

It is a ‘varies-from-individual-to-individual’ thing.

Like people who are focused on achieving that perfect body take it before, after and during the course of the workout.

If someone is protein-deficient he’ll be advised to take it more number of times than someone who is aiming to lose weight.

However, you shouldn’t be the one deciding on the frequencies and quantities, it should be your dietician.


Whey To Go!

Let This Post Be Only An Initiator Of Your Whey Protein Journey And Not A One Stop Guide

We Can Only Tell You About Things In Brief And Not Cover Everything Every time.
The Final Decisions About Such Nutritional Changes Should Best Be Taken By Your Dieticians.

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